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Old 07/15/08, 04:57 PM   #150
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 06/08/08
Posts: 57

God, this episode was so... mediorcre. The plot was so non-existent. I don't think I'll be able to remember this episode later.

- Eh, I don't really care about the Crystal Eyes.
- Well Dai Shi, looks like all that training for the Zokado power proved to be useless since Grizakka kicked your butt (again) without breaking at sweat and locking you in your own jail cell. Dai Shi, you suck. You really really suck. I'm in awe of your sucking prowess. Seriously, your like an innovator in the field of human failure, blazing new trails to suck, and earning your way into the Loser Hall of Fame. Your starting to make Gruumm look cool.
- Theo acting like a dick again. I kinda like it when he acts like this, makes his character more fun.
- You know, I really like Dominic's and Theo's interactions.
- So wait, Dominic hid the Control Dagger in a seat cushion in Ocean Bluff? That doesn't make sense. He was travelling the world, why would he hide it in a diner of a town he wasn't going to live in?
- Why the heck are Theo and Dominic talking out loud about the Control Dagger and the Rhino Nexus with that woman sitting between them? Man these rangers have such low IQs.
- So Casey, Lily and RJ, how does RJ hitting Whirlnado for a little bit then Casey and Lily hitting him suppose to be "Combining our powers"?
- Someone brought this up, why don't they have the Wolf Zord combine with the Ape and the Penguin instead of using the Wolf Pride? I know I know Gekiranger but still, why couldn't Geki do this?
- Camille, nice outsmarting Lily.
- Gangster Rinshis, cool.
- Casey stills continues to act like a jerk to Dominic. Casey, shut up. Just. Shut. Up. Go stand in a corner or something.
- Was a roll call even neccesary?
- RJ you lazy bum, why aren't you help them in the zord fight? This is like a repeat of Things Not Said where the Sixthes just stand there acting like cheerleaders.
- Oh, I just found out Whirnicane is voiced by Nic Sampson (Chip in MF, voice of Sentinel Knight in OO). But I don't get why they act like this is a new monsters, there's no difference between Whirlnado and Whilricane. Couldn't they just said Whilnado just survived the first fight?
- I find it odd the Rangers didn't called the Megazord, "Jungle Master with Bat Power".

Eh, this episode was, again, mediorcre. Like, nothing happened really, this episode is just there. No Fran (Whoo-Hoo!) and no Flit (Boo!) this week. I give this a 2 out of 5.
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