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Old 09/18/11, 01:45 PM   #7
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Default Re: two season pitch for 2012 and 2013 of power rangers

Originally Posted by roberert12134124 View Post
Well I have some replies,I have something to say
Maybe Amit Bhaumik might have had connections maybe a relative and he did went to film school and maybe took script writing,And you know what Of course I'm serious about pitching this to Saban Brands,but that's not until most people even you people in this forum appreciate it first,Because it needs appreciation before sending it to the company,You see i took a class in animation course which is 2d and 3d classes that it even has script writing,I may even graduate later onward.
Oh by the way thanks for asking me about a thing for Ad forum but can you tell me how i can show my stories in this "Ad forum"? and another thing I improved the grammar and line spacing of my two stories.
Thats good that you have some education in this field. But posting a pitch for a official project is not a good idea. This isn't the place for it. Once you post it on a online it becomes a fan fic. And fan fics can't be legally used.

If you are serious about getting into the business I suggest practice and hiring an agent. There is no quick way into the business. And PR doesn't even really have a writing staff anymore. They are basically dubbers in a sense.

You can post you're stories in the ad forum here or the fan fic forum. You should have access to those. Although, if you still want to pitch this to Saban Brands, I suggest not posting anymore.

Really, if you insist on doing this, why not email Saban Brands themselves? You might have better luck. I'm not putting you're project down. Just being realistic.
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