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Old 12/19/11, 04:38 AM   #11
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Default Re: Does anyone feel sorry for Alex?

Of course however the Rangers have rules and procedures to follow, just like Time Force likely does as well. I mean how would they really even look for the mutants' Prison Ship anyway? Silver Hills is likely a big place and the Prison Ship was hidden pretty good.

Just because they follow rules doesn't mean they're "pussies." It means they're heroes that stick to the code of good and justice. Just because something is easier for someone doesn't mean you should do it. It just means the person or team is too desperate. Granted teams of heroes do need to take action against villains as soon as possible but a hero/team has to be smart about it otherwise they risk even more harm if their desperate act fails.

I mean think about it. If the MMPR went to the Chamber of Commands and tried taking out Lord Zedd, there's nothing stopping him from teleporting out of there and blowing up his Chamber as well as unleashing a massive onslaught invasion force that would be aimed to all of the planet Earth.

It's why there's that unwritten rule to never attack or invade an enemy's base unless it's a last resort.
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