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Old 09/18/14, 05:16 PM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Alternate History

Originally Posted by psychic ranger View Post
I think of this kind of stuff all the time. I love the possibilities AUs bring. Like what would have happened if Tommy, Kat, Tonya, and Adam had gone into Space instead of the new Turbo Cast. What if the NS Rangers were used for Dino Thunder? What if the Dino Thunder Rangers were used in SPD? What would have happened if the MMPR Ranger's retired in Doomsday? The possiblities are endless.
Here are some more ideas I have.

Don't have any ideas for the Turbo veteran being kept for Space.

For Ninja Storm being kept for Dino Thunder. I can see this happening. Something happens that results in a earthquake, Tommy Oliver comes by and locates their secret Ninja Academy and explains why he's there and what's going on. Not all of the Rangers can help out because a couple of them still need to attend to the Ninja Academy and he explains that he and an old friend had only made 5 Gems at least as far as he was aware of.
Tommy agrees to this but he can't choose who, they need to have the Dino Gems choose who. All 6 agree to this. Tori asks where the gems are at, he explains that he has three of them secretly hidden and he'll take all of them there at once.

He takes them back to his lab under his house and there they find the 3 gems - Blue, Yellow and Red.

Tori is the first one that tries the Red one, no go. She tries the blue one, no go. She then tries the yellow one and it instantly is absorbed into her body however she realizes her ninja abilities are gone because the two powers can't be combined - her ninja skills and her new gem powers.

Shane approaches both of the remaining Gems and neither one accepts him. Same with Dustin, they're both disappointed but not too hurt by it. Cam steps it and tries both but neither works, he's not too disappointed by it.

Hunter approaches the Red gem which accepts him and Blake is accepted by the Blue gem.

Mesogog is still there but he's more of a secret villain kind of like Lord Zedd was. The Rangers were aware of him but never saw him.

Mesogog is still on the island fortress but the fortress was once underwater.

Tommy finds his Dino Gem the same way.
Same situation with Trent and his White Dino Ranger and the whole clone.

Zeltrax would be reveal to be a combination of Goldar and Scorpina. Goldar would explain that he tried to escape the Z-Wave and he was able to but the damage was too extensive and he fell into the Shadow World.
Scorpina explains that after she was defeated by the Thunder Ultrazord she went into hiding but she eventually got destroyed by these weird human creatures.
Goldar continues by explaining that while they were both down in the Shadow World their afterlife lived on and they started dating and then some creature was able to gather enough of their life force together to create a cyborg persona.

What if Dino Thunder became SPD?

that one I still need to think about.
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