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Old 09/23/14, 11:05 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers Alternate History

I thought of one with Galaxy becoming Lightspeed. Mirinoi receives a distress signal from Mariner Bay on Earth in California and GSA just got done building a spaceship that can travel back to Earth but there's a catch. It can't fit everyone so Damon, Karone, Kai and Leo decide to return albeit a heartbreaking separation because they're leaving both Mike and Kendrix behind.

The spaceship lands by the entrance to the Aquabase tube that leads underwater. Captain Mitchell is there along with his daughter; Dana. He explains the situation and how some travelers in the desert have opened up an ancient tomb that undid the seal and released demons back into their world.

Leo asks what do they want. Karone wonders if she's heard of them and inquires more about them. Captain Mitchell explains that they would want to destroy Mariner Bay because that is where their palace used to be at before construction was built on top of it. Karone asks if they had a Queen that was destroyed named Bansheera. Captain states that he doesn't know of a Bansheera, he only knows of a creature called Diabolico. Leo asks why she asked that. Karone explains that she once knew a demonic creature called Queen Bansheera, she was part of the United Alliance of Evil but she and Dark Specter didn't get along to the point that he destroyed her.
Captain mentions how in order to fight these threats they will need to use the powers his tech master Ms. Fairweather made for them so he gives them the Rescue Morphers.
The following characters become the following colors:
Green = Damon
Pink = Karone
Blue = Kai
Yellow = Dana
Red = Leo

Besides that everything pretty much remains the same except anything wild and crazy Kelsey did in the actual season is something that Karone does.
Titanium Ranger is still there, it's still Ryan and he is still related to Dana and Captain Mitchell except the reasoning for his ability of using the powers is made more clear by stating that he's considered dead in the universe's balance due to living with the demons for over 10 years.
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