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Old 10/05/14, 11:05 AM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Alternate History

Good ideas Matt, I like this thread. I like the LR idea the best so far. Only thing i disagree with is having Karone act like Kelesy.

Ive had an idea about redoing OO based on the Once A Ranger team up but for an all season thing. In my idea Goldar captured human Zedd and extracts his evil essense to put putty as the host. Which results in the return of Lord Zedd.

Zedd seeks to unite the forces of evil to create a new alliance of evil. Ultimate ly he seeks the Carona Auroua Gems to obstain utimate power. Moltar and Flurious are two rival faction leaders also in search of the gems. Later on Miratrix and her master Kamndor prove to be another faction. The fearcats also get invovled but dont last long. Zedd continuely tries to unite these factions under him.

Tommy Oliver discovers the crisis and with the help of Sentinal Knight creates the overdrive powers. He recruits four Rangers from the past to become Power Rangers again. Adam, Kira, Tori, and Xander become OO black, pink,yellow, and blue respectively. Tommy intends to become Red but his son Mack badly wants the job. Tommy feels it is too dangerous. But Tommy is captured and Mack uses the Red Ranger powers. Tommy is rescued by the team and allows Mack to stah a Ranger.

The Fearcats are not revived as Cyborgs. Those roles are filled by antiheros employeed by Zicktor Industries. Who want control of the gems for their own personal gain. Will and Ronny make up the the team. Will is a perfessional theif that once worked for Tommy. After being fired he was hired by Zicktor. Ronny is a former racecar driver banned for her dirty tricks. The two fight as the VR Troopers.

Later on Catherine rejoins Oliver as his assistant and lover. Bulk is the butler that is an asset to the team and there to consul them.

Mack befriends one of Moltars monsters who calls himself Tyzonne. Moltar feels out of place as an evil minion but doesnt feel he has a choice. Mack gets him to believe in himself and switch sides to the Rangers. Tyzonne helps the team get the second gem. The power of the Ranger aquired gems turn Tyzonne human and allow him to become the Murcury Ranger. Sentinal Knight's spirit passes his powers down to Tommy once the sword of Exelcisor is recovered.

Once the crown and all the gems are found the season ends with a big showdown between the new Alliance of Evil and the Rangers.
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