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Old 12/27/02, 08:59 PM   #10
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 11/27/01
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Default Re: Power Rangers

QUOTE=JohnCrichton;46684]1. What's your favorite Power Ranger Series?

Favorite series... once upon a time I'd say Space, since it pulled Power Rangers out of its boring rut and made my a proud fan again, then there's Lost Galaxy for the sheer scale of story they told. I mean, they went across space, battled on different planets and were pretty hardcore about their fatalities, even if some didn't stick. But I'd have to go with Power Rangers Time Force. That, if you include Reinforcements From the Future was the best produced and most well rounded series of all time and featured the greatest cast of all time. Excellent action, plot developement and suprises. I didn't expect Eric to become the Quantum Ranger and the origin of Frax was beyond anything I'd expect to come out of Power Rangers.

2. Who was your favorite Power Ranger?

I'll say Jason. He had a strong voice and presence on screen and was a wonderfully cocky bastard in Forever Red. He's my reigning greatest Ranger. Not that chump, Tommy.

3. Favortie Episode?

Off the top of my head I'd say To the Tenth Power, cuz I didn't know it was going to happen. There I was, sittin' chillin' enjoying my Power Rangers Lost Galaxy when I spat out my Snapple upon seeing the Psycho Rangers strike a "Hi-ya!" pose! Then I spat out my drink a second time when a Obi-wan cloaked stranger came in to save Leo with a flying drop kick and Adros came back!!!

It was such an unexpected joy I'd have to go with that as my favorite stand alone episode.

4. Favorite Ending

Hmmm..... I'm going to have to go with Lost Galaxy. I mean, it had a real "end of a journey" feel to it. Returning swords back to the stone, Villimax's last stand, the destruction of an entire space station, and a hella explosive last fight with Trakeena. That shot of her standing upon the Scorpion Stinger decending toward the moon was just beyond awesome.

5. Whch one do you like better Lightspeed Rescue or Wild Force?

This is a hard one. Which had Forever Red and Reinforcements From the Future in it?[/QUOTE]

I almost said Jason for the same reasons you mentioned. Probably the only thing that stopped me was because many people always pick the red ranger as their favorite just because he is the leader.

I'll have to agree with you on that as well. That was probably my favorite finale for the sheer fighting and the feel of "the end" that it had to it. Wildforce lacked this finality to its final two episodes, and it made their finale feel more like a two part episode rather than a series ender.
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