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Old 11/03/14, 10:21 PM   #1
Shadow Ranger
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Default MMPR Monsters you wish you'd seen more of?

Please keep in mind the following:

- I am referring to any monster from "Mighty Morphin" season one to season three, but not other shows like "Zeo" or "Turbo".
- You can list up to five of your favorite monsters maximum, but you can't list any more than that.
- You must give a reason as to why you wish you'd seen more of the monster(s) you selected.
- You don't have to list them in any order if you don't want to.

I'll start with my top 5 and list why I picked these monsters. Here they are, in no particular order:

- Bones. He was the first monster the Power Rangers had ever faced, but he was also pretty cool. Most of his powers we didn't get to see, except on the Viewing Globe, due to the Japanese Zyuranger footage mostly including the fight between Bones and the Rangers unmorphed. He also had his own henchmen of glowing skeletons. That's cool.

- King Sphinx. King Sphinx has always been my favorite monster in "Power Rangers". He was on the most merchandise, but he only appeared in one episode (two if count the unaired pilot a.k.a. "The Lost Episode"). I wish we'd seen more of King Sphinx, as he was nearly a match for Jason in combat and he had some of the best fight scenes in MMPR history. Just watch the two-way Megazord battle between Goldar and King Sphinx for proof. Plus, King Sphinx just looks so cool.

- Pudgy Pig. Yeah, Pudgy Pig came back a few times, as a hallucination ("Island of Illusion, part 2") and being recreated from a real pig ("A Pig Surprise"). But I just love Pudgy Pig. It's like asking why kids love Apple Jacks so much: you just do. Plus, he was responsible for gobbling up the Rangers' weapons and could've eaten all of the food in the world in just two days.

- Madame Woe. She was a great challenge for the Rangers, with cool powers like sending the Rangers to another dimension, and she nearly beat Billy until he crushed her forehead jewel. Plus, there was a sore lack of female monsters and she was one of the best.

- Octophantom. He was a vain monster, but he also captured four of the Rangers and was a pretty good threat in combat. He got to appear in the background of a few later episodes, but I thought some of his later appearances should have been better. I mean, he's knocked down by a kick from Thunder Megazord in "Ninja Quest, part 1" and doesn't get back up. What?!? Plus, in his debut episode, it was also one of the few times we saw a MMPR monster make contact with Thunder Megazord, albeit briefly.

What do you guys think? Which monsters do you wish you got to see more of?
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