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Old 11/16/14, 12:10 PM   #3
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Episode 19 - The Wrath

Orion's hat doesn't fit him. I can't help but notice it makes him look like a child in an adult size hat.

Also, Orion leaving sort of comes out of nowhere. Like... the bad guys are still around and more dangerous then ever. So... what a dick?

Wait, did they actually build an Armada Ship set piece to interact with or is that all CGI?

"I'll miss you most of all scarecrow."

I feel like I missed an episode or something here. I see this isn't out of order, so it's weird that when the Emperor actually shows up is when the Sixth Ranger willingly leaves. This is the kind of episode that should exist in a longer series as the action winds down, a calm before the storm, but here it happens as the action is building up to the biggest event, no calm to trick the characters or audience into how the Rangers are doing.

I did like "Troy's buying" "Wait what?" That was funny.

Orion didn't say goodbye to Tensou or Gosei? Did he even tell him he was leaving?

This is just a clunky episode, man. The Rangers are just flying around looking for bad guys now? Gosei can't sense them or detect them with his magic viewing screens that see everything else? Gosei didn't warn the Rangers the Armada wasn't done before Orion left? It's just bad man. Did they also give up on calling Orion back?

Oh yeah, they can morph into old rangers and pre-zyu footage. It has been a few episodes since they've used this gimmick and then messed up editing/new footage. I do like they actually named the Pre-Zyu stuff though and kept Prism and Blitz going. At this point I just expect and accept it because of this mess of an episode, but at least they named the new suits and even their weapons.

I wonder what will happen when they get to the legendary rangers in super mode formation or if they'll just keep Ultra Goseiger in there.

Wait, a student other than the rangers talked to Mr. Burly outside of class? This is serious.

"I thought Gosei said there'd be thousands, not millions." Well, I'm glad you finally realized Gosei was worthless as a source of information Noah. Too bad it's too late.

I guess this means no Ninjor. Also, what ever happened to the cameos, that just sort of stopped once Orion showed up. Does this mean all the cameos happen during the Legend War episodes? Including the White Ranger Tommy cameo?

The clunky excuse to have Q-Rex there is weird. Why even make Orion leave at all? It was just bad. It was like after actually trying this season, by the time they got to the end they just gave up and rushed everything in since they weren't building to anything as a story.

This episode however does reinforce my fanon theory that Power Rangers live in a universe where Evil has Won. The bad guys always start off as the worst or overpowering the good guys, but even when one bad guy force is beaten there is another just waiting in the shadows to fill the void. Usually when it's an alien force they also have total control of major sections of the universe, the Armada rules the whole Galaxy here. So even when the good guys win, evil is still out there bigger and badder waiting to strike Earth. So the good guys only win temporarily really. Earth is basically the only good spot in the universe when you think about it.
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