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Old 11/17/14, 10:14 PM   #5
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 08/11/01
Posts: 5
Default Re: What if the Gold ranger was evil.......

Yeah that would make an awesome plot for the upcoming time force/ Lightspeed teamup. Queen Banshira would team up with Ransik( don't ask me how she just somehow found a way to escape the Demon world) and they would both send a distress signal to Triforia which the Gold Ranger would show up and they would have Jinxer cast a spell on him which would make him do there evil biding.

Then Trey would attack the time force rangers and the Quantum Ranger and beat the shit out of them. After they finally escape Trey they have Circuit send out a distress signal and whats left of Lightspeed receive it for which all five lightspeed rangers show up to help them. Well that would put the odds in the rangers favor except Queen Banshira and Ransik and his crew along with a ton of Cyclobots and Batlings interfere to put the odds back in there favor.

All the rangers retreat back to the clock tower to try to figure out whats going on and who that new ranger is. All of a sudden guess who shows up but the Phantom Ranger. Hes finally revealed to be Billy and which explains the whole story about the gold ranger and the zeo powers. And he also determines that Ransik and Queen Banshira must have put an evil spell on him. He remembers how when tommy was under the control of rita they destroyed the sword of darkness( I think thats what they called it) to break the spell. So he asks the rangers what weapons were the Gold Ranger using, and they tell him two staffs, on gold and one black. Billy remembers that the Gold Ranger had one gold staff so he determines that the black must be whats keep Trey under control.

And so billy makes a plan, he will fight the gold ranger him self, the Time Force rangers will take care of ransik and crew, and the lightspeed rangers will take care of Queen Banshira. And so the big battle starts, Billy goes one on one with Trey, the 6 lightspeed rangers fight Queen Bansira, and the time force rangers keep Ransik and crew off there backs. After a while Queen Banshira gets the crap beat out of her so she grows to zord size, luckely Lightseed were able to rebuild the Life Force megazord and so they use it to fight her. Meanwhile Trey is beating the shit out of Billy and gets tired of this kind of fighting so he grows to zord size. So Billy calls his own zord Artillatron and turns it into a megazord. Billy outsmarts trey and gets him to call opon his staffs, and Billy uses all the firepower he has and and destoys the black staff which turns trey back to normal. Meanwhile the the lightspeed rangers are haveing a really tough time with Queen Banshira and determine that the only way to beat her is to grab on to her, push the the self destruct button, and abandon ship, they do so and send her back to the Demon world. Once Ransik realizes that the healthiest thing to do is to retreat, he runs away.

Once billy explains to trey what happened he appologizes to the other rangers and thanks his old friend for stoping him, and then he goes back to Trifora. And then Billy returns to Aquitar. Once the Lightspeed and Time Force Rangers talk for awhile and get aqainted the all go there seperate ways and everything goes back to normal. Okay about Billy being the Phantom ranger, my theory is he missed his days of being a ranger and so he uses Aquitar's technology to make a ranger that not only his powerful but can keep his aging under control. So he finds that Power Ruby and uses it as his power sorce.

Well what do you guys think, my opinion is it would be the best ranger team up ever and the only way to make it really good is to make it a three part story arc.
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