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Old 11/17/14, 10:25 PM   #6
Shadow Ranger
Posts: n/a
Default Re: If you're having abad thing read thsi to cheer up

What the heck is wrong with you people? For the last time Terror Toad picked on me first!

Messaage 1 by me: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, how about:

Nadira; Stop being a dumb charcter on TimeForce.

Terror Toad: Do I know you?

Eric nad Eric_Meyers: You are too cool (Eric_Mayers the person on teh baords is cool because he has Eric in his name).

Frax2001AD: Do you have 2001 posts on the board? And don't gte so worked baout little things.


PRDUDE: What up? Oh yeah, best sig.

I'm hungry, oh yeah more commands, er fixures:

RangerX: Please add more reviews (on anything you see).

Timeblue: Same as Terror Toad and Frax.

Delta Red: Hi

MingyMingyJongo (hey that's me): You rule!


One day I will live again. I shall bring Grunty to her throne. I will crush Mumbo, Banjo and Kazooie. Wait, what's that? Oops, did I say that too loud?

Message 2 by Terror Toad: Mingy, be quiet now. And no, you don't know me

Message 3 (skip a few) by me: How do you know that? What if I ma your friend from school and neither one knows the other like PR and we end up posting on the exact same board and now we think we are 2 differnet people taht don't know each other. Or not. Your telling me in that entire post I just made you didn't laugh once. Even a chuckle. No? You're mean:

Terror Toad: Stop being mean.

Pause for a sec. This post was meant as a joke. he obviously didn't read any other posts by me foree it was quite obvious. It wasn't even directly to him.

Message 4 (skip a few) by me (in response to Frax 2001AD:Frax2001AD: Cool and nice. You reminds me of me. Always getting mad easily but then you realize you didn't wanted to get all mad. Then you apolozie politely. You have good character. Can I be your fwiend? One day I will live again. I shall bring Grunty to her throne. I will crush Mumbo, Banjo and Kazooie. Wait, what's that? Oops, did I say that too loud?

Pause again. What the heck? terror Toad shouldn't even had read this. It wastn'yt any of his beaswax to listen to me and Frax "talking". The dang evesdropper. Well at least he didn't say anything about it- oh wait he did:

Meesage 6 by Terror Toad: Mingy: What kind of a dumb question is that? Can I be your friend? Mingy, in life, asking for friendship with another is like asking for dog shit. Don't ask to be his friend, just do it.

I know you don't know me or that you are my friend because I don't have idiots like you as friends. Simple as that. And no I'm not mean.

There ya go. End of story. I got mad. In life you do sometimes need to ask for freinds. If you are really good friends with somebody but you aren't sure they are it's polite to ask. It's better than storming in and saying "Blah blah blah. Hey I can do taht- I'm your friend", without even knowing. He got me mad, cause I do have quite a bit of friends. And I did ask to be fiends with quite a bit. For example this is a true story, I'll disguise my friends name with X:

Okay, X was a new kid in school. I introduced myself and we hung out but by the influence of anotehr friend he turned to hate me. But every day I told him something funny, and earned his friendship bit by bit. Then I just entered as a friend and that is not what he understood me as so I had to earn everything back and than I asked will you be my friend and he said yes. To be honest, me and him, are really good friends. Don't know best (I only met him this year), maybe 2cnd or third best though.

I met many others the same way. I know everyone in my grade and about half the people in the grade below me. There are, I think, 157 kids in my grade. So that's my story, thar ya go. Oh and if that is the only reason your mad at me your mean. Look, if by the influence of a friend X saw me as an enemy and now we are really good frineds, than by the influence of Terror Toad you may be becoming an enemy with someone who is really good. Man, X1Mask I always thought you were cool. When I first came here I was amazed at your origanal space ranger. As you remember I aksed you myself for a picture with Ransik and stuff. I guess I'll never get it all because someone was mean to me. :( Well sorry X1Mask I hurt your friend, but he hurt me too. I aplolized he didn't. He started it I was defending myself. I can't make your desicions for you but i hope you'll at least be my friend. I'm not saying to maike a shrine or me and putting Terror Toad as idiotic but i'm just sasking you to at least not dis me just because your friend was offended by me. Like I said, I did nothing but defend myself and apolozied. :( I just ask for forgiveness.
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