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Old 11/28/14, 11:44 AM   #1
Mr. CD
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 10/24/11
Posts: 51
Default Re: The mind of Johnathan Tzachor

I tend to find comparing something to fanfiction is pretty unfair to fanfiction. There are a lot of fanfic writers out there who do take pride in their work and strive to stay as faithful to canon as closely as possible. Like, really, not all fanfiction about the Mary Sue New Kid in Town, empty shipping fluff, or bizarre crossovers, there are fanfics out there that expand canon, attempt to fill in niggling plotholes, or bring new interpretations to the canon characters in ways you would have never thought possible. It's not all good, but it's not all bad either. Especially when half the stuff people accuse of reading like fanfiction are things most actual fanfic writers wouldn't have written or even wanted to see (Such as the use of unadapted Sentai teams in Super Megaforce, or the plots of the Super Hero Taisen movies, something even the Japanese fandom find just as ridiculous as western fandom does).

As Tzachor, well most of the actors have spoken positive of him. Heck Cameron Jebo said:

@samaradams1996 tzachor is a great guy. Knows what he wants and goes for it. Admirable. #silverquestions

I think he's a guy who clearly knows what he wants to do, unfortunately, he appears to do it by the bare-minimu
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