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Old 12/02/14, 10:43 AM   #2
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Can you see the show having an Anti Hero for a villain?

The anti-hero is generally reserved for the sixth ranger/extra hero role, as it does kind of skew the whole good vs evil message if there is a legitimate claim for a villain to do what it does and the lesson would tend to become talking it out. Like the several MOTW that turned out to be good guys and the Rangers decide to help them out instead of defeating them.

There are the Demons in Lightspeed Rescue however, who do have a legitimate claim to their actions. Humans built a city over their ancient homeland, it just happens that they are also evil demons who would use the city to spread their evil.

Jarrod, while possessed by DaiShi, was as close to an anti-hero villain as Power Rangers will probably get. He was being driven to become the best and strongest fighter and the beast monsters getting to take over the world was just an after thought to his personal goal of having the most power.
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