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Old 12/02/14, 01:11 PM   #3
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Default Re: Most Layered-Lines in Power Rangers

Originally Posted by Luchinni View Post
3: "I'm not trying to get things back to the way they were." ("A Golden Homecoming", Jason and Tommy, Power Rangers Zeo)
That line was always so badly written since it's not like anything changed when Tommy returned and became the White Ranger as well as the leader. Jason as a character was still there... sure Austin had already left by the time they got to dubbing work on that episode but it still doesn't change the fact that Jason himself didn't bring up any issues at all with Tommy becoming the new leader while he was still there.

Originally Posted by Luchinni View Post
1: "I JUST WANTED TO GO OUTSIDE!" ("Dr.K", Dr. K, Power Rangers RPM)

I know I'm gonna get dinged for having two RPM moments on here, but these two were just too good to overlook. RPM on the whole was the most mature series we've been lucky enough to get. But that single line, cried by Dr. K as she's carried away by agents after she realizes she has doomed humanity was conveyed with so much desperation, shame and regret in her delivery; it carried a weight with with it I'm not so sure anyone under a certain age could fully understand. It was such a simple line but it had so many layers to it. I know when I saw it as an adult, I got chills. It captured all the sadness of Dr. K's story: child abduction, brain-washing, and turning gifted children into living weapons that were disposable as soon as their purpose was served. She genuinely didn't even realize she was doing something wrong until it was too late. Dr. K created Venjix. A lot of us saw that coming. And she said a lot things about it once it was out in the open. But that one line for me was the most mature, and most-complex-to-understand moment in Power Rangers History. It offered a glimpse into Dr. K's head and I think it's the moment where she really grew up and let go of (most of) her child-like ways of thinking and became the cold, mission-driven leader we meet when the series begins. And the best thing about this line? You could have taken it out of the scene and it STILL would have had the same emotional impact if she was just saying "No!!" and being dragged out of the room.
I disagree with removing the line, the line was perfect exactly as it was written and Olivia acted it out well as well and she certainly conveyed the emotion that she should have conveyed but I don't get where the brainwashing part comes from, there was no brainwashing going on, just a bunch of people lying to her for their own agenda.
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