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Old 08/20/10, 02:51 PM   #12
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Default Re: Some Fanfic ideas

Not mine but there is this guy who calls himself KND6 on Deviant Art who posted some ideas for how he would have done VR Troopers, and I gotta say some of his stuff sounds like stuff I want to do too such as making Amy a purple VR Trooper in my fanfics to tell her apart from Kaitlin, and adapting all the villains, and monsters from the Metal Hero shows.

The only thing I'm not too sure about is splitting the show into three seasons, and that's only because I wonder what you would do with the episodes that use monsters from two shows at a time but at the same time I can see why that could add more episodes.

I'm actually tempted to get an account on there just so I can talk to him, and ask him, but I would have to wait till I got my hands on a good graphics program or a scanner so I could make my own fan art, and post it on there if I was gonna go get an account on Deviant Art.

Another thing with regards to battle grid mode remember those battle grid VR Troopers action figures they made that came with carious weapons?

Well I want to have it in my story that whenever they transform into battle grid mode they can use some of the weapons from the action figures.

I.E. Ryan uses a laser blade on his hand in season 1, and in season 2 uses a laser katana, JB could use a bo staff, and Kaitlin can use a pair of daggers, not sure what Amy's weapon should be.

That, and say Kaitlin could also use her power transfer command ability while in battle grid mode.
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