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Old 12/24/14, 12:48 AM   #3
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Default Re: Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 12

It was a very dramatic and heart breaking episode. It was great to finally get the Beryl backstory. Sailor Moon looked strong taking her out. Interesting how they had her do this since Venus does this in the manga. Almost felt sorry for Beryl when she died. But she paid the price for givening in to evil. Mamoru continued to be a stone cold bad ass. Although it seemed like Usagi was starting to get through to him.

We finally got to see the Senshi fight the Generals. It was a bit disapointing to not see an all out battle. But thats not what Crystal is about. It was nice to have the Senshi finally give them their memories back. But heart renching to see them suddenly get killed right when they are returned to their true selves. It was pretty sudden but I guess that adds to the tragady.

The end witb Usagi seemingly killing herself was shocking. Even though I know its part of the manga. I don't lime her given up but I know their is more to come. Matallia looked scary and like a very menacing villain here.
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