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Old 01/14/15, 06:45 PM   #5
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Kaitlin, and the others return, and wonder what happened to Betsy, and find her message on the Computer while Woody apologizes because he though she was there while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord gets the idea to capture Betsy who thinks the slime has something to do with Ziktor’s power plant nearby as bait to destroy the Troopers.

Then Grimlord summons General Ivar who wants to send an all out aerial assault across the reality barrier but Grimlord instead orders him to send one only if necessary, and send a skeletal gun wielding robot called the Gunslinger to assist the Skugs.

Back at the park the Troopers see that the slime is everywhere, and decide to follow it to find Betsy’s hair band so they go the lab, and ask the Professor to use the geothermal scanner to find Betsy, and find her at the park captured by Skugs with jet fighters, and the Gunslinger patrolling the area so it’s Trooper time.

Ryan briefly turns into digitally colored Spielban again, so he can pilot the Skybase, and fire missles at the jet fighters while Kaitlin fights Skugs, and has to deal with quantum cruisers dropping bombs, and JB fights Gunslinger who fires at JB who doges, and fires back but Gunslinger uses an energy shield to block it, and fire again.

Ryan gets out of the Skybase, and into the VR interceptor jet while JB tries to hide from Gunslinger who’s using a antennae to track him then JB comes out, and Gunslinger tries to shoot him but JB kicks the gun out of his hands, and tries to slash at him with his sword but Gunslinger blocks with an energy shield.

Then he makes a scimitar appear out of nowhere, and slashes at JB with it until Kaitlin shows up to jump kick Gunslinger but he just slashes at her, and then turns one of his hands into a gun, and shoots at her which angers JB enough to rush at Gunslinger’s shield, and short it out, and then destroy him with laser lance while General Ivar attacks Ryan with his own fighter jet but Ryan destroys it.

Back at the park JB, and Kaitlin find Betsy who apologizes for running off by herself, and later we find out that because of their story the slime has been traced back to Ziktor industries thus ruining his own plan, and at the virtual dungeon Grimlord again swears vengeance.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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