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Old 01/29/15, 07:02 PM   #4
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was pretty good I think.

For starters I like the plot of the Troopers trying to make a clean burning engine, and Grimlord trying to steal it to protect his energy company.

I also like Poindexter since I thought he was funny.

And I liked the stuff with Grimlord’s spy at the Underground Voice Daily.

I also liked Drillbot’s design, and powers though I wonder if he was maybe more appropriate for another episode like Digging for Fire or Who’s King of the Mountain.

Heck once again nothing was left out of the Spielban episode.

In fact there was probably like one scene that was like a second I would have liked to have seen but at the same time it brought up something I might talk about a lot if I haven’t already where a lot of things I have problems with are more due to the source footage then VR Troopers itself.

In this case they show Diana using some sword against a holographic swordsmanship teacher for like a second , and it just reminded me of how I whished they had used that as an actual finisher for Diana, and thus Kaitlin.

Come to think of it they did give her a brief American original fight, and the Swordsman teacher’s costume didn’t look all that hard to reproduce so maybe we could have gotten something I don’t know.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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