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Old 02/04/15, 09:10 PM   #5
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the lab the Troopers ask the Professor for help, and he mentions that Ryan’s father was interested in the forest, and has files on it but nothing that can help then Jeb mentions his fleas, and the Professor knows that he’s talking about blue fleas, which JB points out is an endangered species which could get the forest protected by the government so JB puts one of Jeb’s fleas into the Lab’s scanner, and it proves to be a blue flea.

Then just as a lumberjack has his chainsaw revved up the Troopers show up with a paper, and a sign labeling the forest a protected reserve but Ziktor is undaunted, and transforms into Grimlord, and asks for a mutant who can destroy the forest, and Decimator recommends a black, and white mutant with a weird brown face named Chainbot while Grimlord also orders Ivar to assist with his tank as well.

While at the lab Ryan in Trooper mode experiments with a new machine called the image multiplier that enables him to turn into three Ryan’s at once, and after Ryan turns back into Brad Hawkins the Professor asks for some more blue flea samples but Jeb doesn’t want to volunteer so it’s back to the forest but when they get their they hear noises, and split up to investigate, and Ryan runs into Chainbot, and transforms.

Chainbot tries to attack Ryan with a spiked ball, and chain but Ryan dodges it so Chainbot summons some mutant Skugs but Ryan fights them off but then gets attacked by Chainbot but then is able to handle Chainbot, and the mutant Skugs at once.

Meanwhile Kaitilin, and JB find the rest of Grimlord’s army trying to clear through the forest so they transform as well, and we get to see some cool American footage of JB using the Vortex command, and then we get a part where it looks like JB, and Kaitlin are going to fight Ivar but he instead sends Skugs after them.

Ryan is being pushed to the edge of a seaside cliff, and Chainbot hits him of with his spiked ball but Ryan summons the VR Turbo Cycle then jumps off, and uses the image multiplier to become four Ryan’s at once so Chainbot pulls out a sword, and slashes at the multiple Ryan’s but because their holograms it can’t hit them then Ryan kicks Chainbot’s sword out of his hands then Ryan jumps around, and hits Chainbot with a backwards kick.

Meanwhile Kaitlin is fighting off Skugs while JB fights Ivar with his sword but Ivar keeps slashing at him but JB, and Kaitlin team up, and use their lasers to blow up Ivar but he escapes in a flying turtle shaped airship, and Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure.

Later at the Underground Voice Daily Woody congratulates Kaitlin on her story about the forest, and the Troopers in general for saving it, and then we get one last comedy bit where Jeb’s fleas have now moved to Percy.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
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