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Old 03/02/15, 09:18 AM   #10
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 30

Ok Lauren do it now....its all you.

Do it sis.

I hope i can do this Gets all the symbol power and combines it with myself using the 6 discs launcher while harnessing the power and sends it towards Psy Green.

*Serena watches her sister walk off and watches Lauren*

*Em stops next to the trees and wipes her eyes as she hears someone*

Mike is that you.

*Powers down*

Ok now use the 6 discs launcher...and make it count.

Holds you.

*Cries in your arms*

Why couldn't Lauren let me do it, are you alrigth you need rest.

What the...this is new.

*Takes the full hit*

Noooo....this is impossible.

*Demorphs back to my regular form*

The psy rangers energy...its gone.

*Drops demorphing the rest of the way*

*Serena walks over to her sister and brother-in-law*

You guys alright.

Kev see's Chad then walks to him.

*Lays on the ground groaning*

What happened?

*Sees Kevin going to help Chad so I get up and staggers back to the house*

Shhhhh holds you in my arms.

Antonio lean on me i can get you home.

At home training really hard even though i'm exhausted and hurting badly.

*Sighs and hands Serena my samurizer*

Hold onto it for me, we should go back to the house you need rest and Serena can watch the kids.

*He see's the team walk off toward home*

Takes Em's hand.

*We walk home and I help you into bed*

You rest, Serena is watching the kids.

Lays in bed.

*Gets you water and some pain pills*

Take these it will help with pain.

Drinks water with pills.

*Kisses your head*

If you need anything Serena will get it for you just rest.

*Em walks into the bathroom closes the door and washes her face and freshens up her make up and walks out smiles and gets a small bag and puts clothes in it and heads out of the house and to the beach and relaxes near the water*

*Serena checked on the kids and and fed them and than went to check on Mike*

Looks at her at the beach.


Mike I'm worried about her that really got to her.

Gets up slow

i'll go get her.

Mike you sure you can hardly stand.

*Em was sitting on the beach thinking and watching the waves*

Grabs my morpher walks to beach and finds Em.

*Em didn't hear him coming cause she was thinking and playing the flute*

*Serena went to go find Lauren*

Lauren can I talk to you.
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