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Old 03/02/15, 09:52 AM   #9
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 19

Blasts and slashes a few more X borgs

Cuz your not focused on the fight.

I'm just worried that's all nothing else.


*Puts key in and morpher*.


Super Megaforce Green!

*Runs to xborgs blasting some with his blaster*

*Fires and slashes a few but gets hit*

These things have gotten stornger.

Troy flips open his legendary moprher then holds the red spd key.

Legendary Ranger Mode S.P.D.

Troy changed into the Red Spd Ranger.

They always get stronger no matter how many times you blast them Morphs uses saber whips hitting them all.

*Emma coughs a little and inserts her other legendary ranger key morphing into pink time force*

Time For Time Force.

*Pulls out her blaster and fires*

Troy pulls both delta blaster then opens fire.

*Finishes blasting them and looks up*

Great we've got more.

*Jake starts to get blasted by some X borgs*


*Holds his chest*

Hey ah guys we are kinda getting out numbered here! Whoa!

*Jake dodges a attack*

Go legendary Jake.

Troy I have to go another legendary mode.

*Pulls out my samurai key*

Go, Go, Samurai.

*Nods at Troy*

Great idea Troy.

*Grabs Legendary Key In Space Black Ranger Key*

Let's Rocket!

*Inserts the key morphing into Black Space Ranger*

*Pulls out my fan and uses it on them knocking them over*

Keeps using saber whips destroying them.

*Finishes off the x-borgs*

Troy looks around.

Everyone ok?

*Powers down*

Yeah that took alot of power.

Finishes the X-borgs and Bruisers I'm fine.

Powers down.

Yeah, They were stronger.

They've never been that strong before.

*Sits down*

Which means the others will be stronger too.
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