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Old 03/02/15, 09:57 AM   #6
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 25

*Super mega mode demorphs*

He's finished....finally.

*Breathing heavy*


*Looks over at her and starts walking towards her*

Walks towards you You finally did it are you ok.

*Fires a laser blast at the blue ranger hitting him*

Oh no you don't...she's coming with me.



*Looks and sees Levira grabbing Gia and then leaves*


*Emma's still resting in the command center*

Dang it.

Troy runs back to the command center.

*Powers down and drops to my knees*

No....I can't believe I lost her again.

*Jake was in command center. Holding his helmet*

*Emma wakes up and sees Jake*

Jake when did you get here.

*Jake looks at Emma*

Just a few moments ago i was out looking for anything but no luck so i came here.

Well I was with Gia than Skatana let me go and Gosei transported me here.

What? Are you okay?

Yeah just punched a wall.

I'm glad your alright.

Is Gia okay?

I don't know Levira took her after Noah defeated Skatana.

Troy enters the command center with his helmet in hand.

*Puts helmet down*

Oh man.. I should have been around.

*Jake turns around to look at Troy*

You alright Troy?

Not your fault Jake you didn't know.

I'm alright, I was able to stop the Bruisers from attacking Noah.

*Sees Troy and tries to stand*

I'd hug you but I'm kinda sore.

*Shows you my hand*

Walks to Em then hugs her.

It's ok, i'll come to you.

It's my fault Gia was taken again.

*Hugs you*

No it's not, it's not anyone's.

She was hot the first time and than I helped bring her fever down so when Noah stepped in he let me go after I punched the wall.

*Calls Noah*

Noah come back to the command center and we'll see if we can locate her.

*Walking in the woods trying to think of way to get Gia back*

Troy I need to go check on Noah can you stay close by.
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