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Old 03/02/15, 09:59 AM   #8
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 27

I'm fine Emma.

*Gets up*

I have to better myself in order to keep making the team stronger...

Yes Noah but you need to take a break Gia just called she's ok she has no idea what there planning but she said to keep you safe.

I'll be fine...just want to be ready for when they do decide to make a move...I know Troy is doing the same.

*Walks to the side to start training some more*

*Emma goes and sits down next to the rock*

I hate that evil ugly witch i hope i can destroy her myself when the time comes i won't let her hurt them no matter what happens to me i want them to be safe especially Noah i swear they are dead when i get ahold of them there is no way their plan will work they never do.

*Emma soon falls asleep*

Levira: The formula is ready Vekar.

Vekar: Bring me the yellow ranger.

Levira: *Goes to get Gia and brings her to Vekar*

Here she is.

Vekar: Oh I'm sorry where are my manners.

*Hands you a drink*

Here drink this...if your thinking of surviving.


You don't have any manners i should kick both your butts i can survive anything Drinks it all and swallows it Give me back my morpher if you hurt them i will destroy you no matter what.

*Stops to rest and gets something to drink*

Vekar: *Watches the yellow ranger*

Yes drink it Demaras send her back to earth...she won't be a problem to us anymore.

Demaras: Why is that sire?

Levira: Because we took her morphing ability away from her....and soon her friends will be next.

Vekar: Yes...and she'll be the one to take care of that...with a little help from whats in her bag.

*Emma wakes up and calls for Noah*

Noah where are you.

*Comes walking out from around the corner with a bottle water*

I'm right here...just resting and taking a water break...did you hear anything on Gia yet?

No she said that Levira walked in on her talking to me and that she took her morpher and something bout marrying someone.


*Turns around*

When I get my hands on them they are going to wish they never messed with us.

*Starts to walk away*
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