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Old 03/02/15, 09:59 AM   #9
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 28

I know see if Gosei can locate her.

You can I'm staying here to see if she or if they decide to attack.

I'll call him, I know your worried so am I but she's trying to protect you and us.

*Calls Gosei*

Gosei, it's Emma any luck on locating Gia.

Gosei: No Emma...her readings keeps jumping all over.

Tensou: Oh boy oh boy!!! the Armada just don't want to be found.

I'm worried they have something planned for us.

Gosei: I will keep you posted Emma.

Thanks Goesi I'll stay with Noah call Troy and have him meet us in the woods.

*Walks away while you we're talking to Gosei*

*Looks for Noah*

Noah wait up I need to talk to you.

*Contacts Troy*

*Keeps walking*

Takes out his morpher.

I read you Gosei.

Noah please Gia loves you and she doesn't want you upset please let's wait for Troy I have a feeling they'll be bringing her back, she'll call me when she's back.

Gosei: Troy Emma needs you in the park.

I'm on my way.

Troy puts his morpher away then starts running toward the park.


I'm not waiting...I'm bringing the fight to them.

*Takes out my morpher*

Noah I don't think they're coming here to fight they're bringing her back here with us to keep her safe.

*Takes out my change card*

No they won't....i'm going even if I have to do it alone.

*Stands in front of him*

Noah please look at me were all worried bout her she was still talking to me when Levira came in before she took her morpher all i can make out was some kind of vial.

Then I better hurry...

*Inserts my change card*

Go Go Megaforce.

Just be careful I'll call you if I hear from Gia.


*Takes my legendary morpher and key*

Super Mega Mode.

*Summons Super Mega jet and jumps in*

*Sighs and waits for Troy*

Demaras: Sire our sensors just detected the blue ranger...he's coming for the yellow ranger.

Vekar: Alone?

Demaras: Yes alone...

vekar: Perfect...we get to poison 2 rangers' minds at once...let him through the defenses but don't make it to easy....or he will know something.

Demaras: I'm scrambling the jet fighters now...

*Sends the air fighters to slow down the blue ranger*

*Detects the fighters up ahead*

Oh no...air thats going to stop me.

*Fires lasers destroying the jets*

Is that all you got Vekar...

*Gets to the Armada and slides down the zip line to the ship*

Ok now to get inside.

*Sneaks inside the Armada*
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