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Old 03/02/15, 10:09 AM   #5
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 34

Gosei: Noah is changing from human to...

Tensou: And Gia...your mind is being brainwashed to only obey the Armada...soon you will be part of them.

*Sits down*

This can't be happening, we have to do something, that means we have to fight him.

Gosei: No Emma..but i know where to get the plant to save both Noah and Gia.

Plants are my specialty I can do it.

I know that i want him back to normal so he can help me he's the only one who can keep me from going to them just get him back to normal i really need him right now.

Gia breath, Troy you have to stay here and keep an eye on her I have to get this plant so we can save them both, where do I find them Gosei .


Gosei: Its on a deserted island but be careful its highly protected from intruders.

I will are you gonna be monitoring me.

Gosei: I will guide you once your there you need to hurry Noah doesn't have much time.

I will and I'll be careful.

*Kisses Troy*

*On the ground in the cave starts to glow and changing*


Kisses Emma back.

Wish me luck can you teleport me, and keep an eye on both Noah and Gia.

Tensou: Yes we will watch over both Noah and Gia.

*Teleports Emma to the island*

Ahhh....nooo....I can't fight it nomore.

*Stands up and a burst of power bursts out*

What have I become....

*Emma gets to the island and walks around quietly looking for the plant*

I can't believe they did this and took him from me he's not the same Noah i know and love anymore he's just a i don't know what he is they took the only person that can help me get through this if he gets back to normal with the antidote i won't be here i just want him back so he can help me Looks at my hand at the ring he gave me tears start falling.

Looks at Gia.

We will get him back.

I'm worried about him more than me he should get the antidote first he needs it more than i do Takes the ring off When he is back to normal can you give this back to him don't tell him why just give it back Hands you the ring.

Takes the ring.

Don't do this.

Why not i already lost him he isn't the same person anymore i was preventing it from happening to him when he's back to normal he will know why i gave the ring back it's not cause of him.

Yes he will know it's not his fault he knows who to blame for that i know he will go there and get me back and i know he will give the ring back i just can't wear it when i'm there.

*Emma was walking around the island*

Gosei any idea where or how far the plant is.
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