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Old 03/02/15, 10:28 AM   #4
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 43

Throws something all the way over to Jake and Emma hoping they can use it but stays hidden.

I think we found her be careful I'll let you know when Gia and Jake are ready,

*We hear it*

Jake I think we found her.

Yeah but what did she throw to us that we can use.

I don't know let's look for it I'll keep you posted Troy.

Looks by my feet picks it up and shows Emma I found it.

Where in the world did she get that, we need to keep looking til we find her.

We could ask her when we find her but let's use it for now.

Alright but try quietly.

*We continue to look as we keep blasting*

Points it at the X Borgs and Bruisers destroying them This is awesome.

Yeah she always surprises us but we need to find her before she gets hurt.

I know she's not far from here.

Nope but let's keep and ear out.

We should use this on demaras too.

Don't worry I plan on it, Troy how's the distractiong going.

Keeps watching but walks slowly away hoping not to get caught.

Jake we took care of the Bruisers and X-Borgs why don't we be on our guard and wait til we hear or see her.

*Emma leans against the wall*

Demaras: One way or another your coming with me blue ranger.

*Fires at him again*

How are you gonna use it on Demaras.

I don't know Jake I'll manage, we just have to wait and you and Gia run for it to the entrance where Troy will be waiting and I'll be behind you guys.


You have to try harder then that to hit me. is something to help you defeat Demaras.

*Makes 4 more sabers appear*

Don't worry these are not your team's sabers its a one time power up so use it wisely.

Thanks Gosei I won't let you or the planet down.

Ooo little boy blue has 5 swords...ha that still won't be enough to defeat me.

Hang on Noah i'm coming home soon you can beat him Keeps walking trying to find them and hoping not to get caught Jake Em where are you.

Jake we have to get Gia so we can help Noah, Jake listen Gia where are you.

I think i know where she is she must be getting closer to us.

We'll see about that.

*Pulls out 5 keys*

Ninja storm, mystic force, RPM, Samurai, and Super Mega Force activate.

*Puts in the keys in all 5 sabers*

Your finished strike!!!

*All 5 rangers powers charges at him hitting him*

Demaras: Ahhh....I'll be back ranger.

*Blows up but teleports back to the Armada*

*Powers down and drops to my knees*

Whoa...that took alot out of me I don't know how much more I can take.

Gia come on we have to get you out of here.

Vekar: Rangers....rangers....they every where...Levira you better not fail me I have to go deal with Demaras now.

Levira: Don't worry I won't fail.

*Summons more Bruisers* Bruisers come with me we have to go take care of them pesty rangers.

*Walks away with the Bruisers.

Em i think we are about to have more company

*Vekar walks away looking for Demaras*

Demaras: Uh oh prince Vekar is very upset with me he will have me dissembled if he finds me i must find the rangers and destroy them.

I'm tired Jake this is getting a little out of hand we better get Gia and leave do you have your blaster.

Don't worry guys i'm coming be there soon.

Levira: Rangers where do you think your going.

*Stands in front of you with a army of Bruisers behind me*

Vekar: *Keeps looking for Demaras and walks by Gia and doesn't know it*

Not you again how many times do we have to tell you get a new hobby.

Levira: Big talk from the girl in pink...bruisers get them.

*Walks away back to find Vekar*

*Pulls out my blaster and fires*

Gia we could use help, keep talking lady.

I know she's on her way.

Uses the weapon Gia gave us blasting alot of Bruisers.

Wow keep blasting Jake.

*Fires more*

Hang on i'm coming no matter what Keeps running faster.

Legendary mode Samurai.

*Pulls out my fan and waves it causing wind*

Keeps blasting more and more Hey Em here is another weapon you can use it Hands it to you.

Vekar: *Notices Gia hiding*

There you are yellow ranger what are you doing out of your cage.

*Goes to try to grab her*

I don't think so i'm not going back there Gets 3 bricks and throws them at you hittng you harder.

*Catches it using it on the Bruisers and X-Borgs*

These pack alot of power.

Jake follow my lead.

*Blasts them and goes to find Gia*

Gia are you alright where are you.

Follows you blasting more and more.

*Bruisers keep coming out trying to attack the rangers*

This is getting ridiculous.

*Keeps fanning and blasting*

Yeah but they never stop coming and i know Gia is really close.


*Goes back to super mode*

Legendary mode tires you out,

*Keeps blasting*

Em remember you got perfect aim also try these Hands you a few bricks.

Good ole Gia.

*Emma throws a few bricks bowling them over*

Hey your evil highness maybe you should get your wounds checked out don't want them to get affected do you.

Jake let's go help Gia.

We finish off the x-Borgs ad Bruisers and go looking for Gia*

Yeah let's hope she's ok and didn't get hurt.

Follows behind you.

*We get closer looking around*

I see her is she talking to Vekar or is she stalling.
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