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Old 03/02/15, 10:29 AM   #5
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 44

Ow ow owwwww...that hurts...your going to pay for that.

Demaras: *Shows up out of nowhere grabbing you*

I got her sire.

I think she's stalling we have to get her out of here,

*Sees her and Mouths*

We have to get back now.

Sees them and mouths back Blast him he's already hurt but him getting hurt more will make them come running and check on him and tend to his wounds.

*Emma mouths back*


*She points her blaster*

Let's do this together remember you have good aim.

I know.

*Emma and Jake point there blasters and get ready to fire*

His back is turned let's blast him now.

*We both blast him*

You know both Demaras and Levira will be here and we would have to blast them to.

Yeah I know but we need to get her out of here before they come.

Let go of me i'm not staying here or joining any of you Kicks you harder Guys a little help here poor little prince you always need alot of attention from these two ugly freak servants when he always gets hurt never mess with me and Levira i'm way prettier than you.

*Fires more*

We also have Levira to deal with as well how do we get her out without getting caught ourselves.

Easy I'll distract her and you and Gia run I'll blast them from behind.

Demaras: I got you now yellow ranger...stop squirming.

*Tries to hold you still*

I'll go put her back in her holding cell sire.

*Carries her away*

Vekar: Demaras this doesn't change the fact that you failed will get punished for your failed attempt to capture the blue ranger.

I'm not going back there ever and i'm not going to be one of you i will never be part of the Armada i'm way prettier than Levira she's always been ugly Gets a brick and throws it at you hitting you really hard with it starts to feel the affects my eyes turn green You know Vekar isn't going to be happy with you if he knows you put me back in the cell the pink ranger is coming you go back to him and i will dispose of her.

Enough waiting.

Runs to the side then jumps over onto the Armada ship then jumps throuGH the hole.

Jake we need to find her and fast but I don't know where she is but we have to try.

Pulls my blaster as i run past Jake and Emma.

Coming through.

Troy what are you doing here.

Blaster the X-Borgs infront of me.

Saving the day.

Well we were gonna get Gia but it's taken longer.

Slashes and blasts more X-Borgs.

Here use this Gia got it for us.

*Throws it to Troy*

Catches the Cannon then aims it at the group of X-Borgs.

If i know Gia she won't let Demaras take her back to her holding cell even if she throws bricks at him.

Jake, Go take Emma and look for her.

Are you serious, we can't leave you here.

It's that or let her stay and become one of them.

I hate when your right we'll be back with her hopefully.

Your not staying here either and i know Noah is waiting for us.

Get moving jake.

Why don't Jake stay with you I'll go alone.

Yeah if anyone can get Gia Emma can that way we all make it out.

It's the only way just make sure you guys run when we come to you.

Vekar: Ow yellow ranger you just tossed your last brick...when I get done with Demaras I'm coming for you.

Demaras: *Hears Vekar talking about him*

So you said you can dispose the pink ranger....then get to it.

*Puts you down*

Go yellow ranger before I change my mind.

I'll get her and bring her back meet you guys back here.

*Runs to get Gia*

Gia where are you.

Yeah right ugly i would like to see you try to come after me Demaras you better go before he finds you your in trouble wouldn't want to be in your shoes yes i can now go before she comes.

Demaras: You had better.

*Hears him coming*

Tick tock time is wasting...


*Emma walks causiously*

Gia where are you.

Walks fast and sees Her I'm right here but we need to go but play along i'm pretending to be evil so we all can get off this ship.

Are you delusional.

Yes but we gotta go where are Jake and Troy.

Stands next to Troy waiting for them.

They should be a few feet up ahead almost to the opening.

*Calls them*

Jake, Troy I found Gia just play along til were out of here she's pretending to be evil.

Grabs you by your arm pulling you all the way to them.

Wait what won't they find out.

No that's why we have to get out but she has a few ideas to make it look like we were hurt.

Ok hope this works i know she's worried about Noah.

It will Gia's never let us down.

Takes the blaster blasting you all and puts a huge hole in the wall sending you towards the hole.

Troy and i get towards the hole and stands up.

Gia and I will be behind you.

Ok Walks to the sub and heads to the skyship grabbing the cable pulling both of us up.

Do you see anyone coming.

No I think were clear but to be sure I can block there entrance.

Ok do it cause i want to hurt you so we can both get out of here but not really hurt you.

Troy jumps up to the sky ship.
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