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Old 03/02/15, 10:32 AM   #7
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 46

Vekar: Fools....I'm surrounded by fools...all of you....I gave one little tasks keep the yellow ranger hidden and you idiots can't even do that right I said to get the blue ranger still can't do that right...speaking of which where is Demaras.

*Looks around for Demaras*

Levira: He's gone...sensors picked him up leaving the ship.

Vekar: Without my approval...wait until I get my hands on him he's probably the blame for the yellow ranger escaping just like he failed getting me the blue ranger.

Levira: I think thats why he left...he doesn't want to disappoint you anymore and he's afraid of the consequences of his actions.

Vekar: Where ever he is he just better stay there.

*Drops to my knees and demorphs again from another battle with Brusiers*

I can't take much more of this...come on guys hurry and get back to earth.

*Kneels on the ground resting*

Noah we are almost there just hang on do it for me please how close are we cause i need Gosei to fix my morpher so i can morph again without joining the Armada and i'm starting to feel the affects of the poison.

Gia just hang on we are almost home.

It's only a little i'm feeling not alot yet.

We are almost there Gets really close to earth sees the command center lands the skyship and starts getting out Em are you looking for the first aid kit.

Gets out of the skyship walks into the command center looks around but doesn't see him Emma can you contact Noah and tell him i need him back here so he can stay with me.

Yes I am I need it, Noah, Gia is in the command center she needs you.

*Picks up*

You guys are finally back...i'll be right there.

*Gets up and runs to the command center*

Yes we just got back.

*Gets the kit and starts to bandage the hand*

Stands there waiting.

*Gets to the command center and staggers in catching myself leaning against the wall*

I'm glad you guys are back....i didn't know how much more i could of taken...those Bruisers are brutal and apparently they have a new leader.

Yeah but I was the one to get her back after she threw me into the wall.


*Staggers the rest of the way in and drops to one knee*

Was it by mistake or part of the plan or something.

That i was sorry for more than once Walks over to you helping you up Are you ok.

She had to make it convincing and I haven't showed Troy, I'm going outside to call Kimmy.

Yeah I'm fine.

*Puts my arm around Gia*

I knew it had to be all part of plan....oh by the way have you taken the antidote yet.

They didn't know but what happens if they find out i was faking it and not yet Walks you over to a cot and sits you down Why did Demaras want to take you to the Armada i'm not letting that happen Sits next to you trying not to passout Can Gosei fix my morpher so i can use it again.

It's in Gia's hand let her give it to you.

*Walks outside and calls Kimmy*

*Gets helped over to the cot and sits*

Let me see the morpher.

Takes out my morpher handing it to you opens my other hand with the antidote in it Do i really look that bad like you did when it infected you faster than me now i'm starting to feel it more Tries not to passout.

*Emma outside calling Kimmy and talking to her*

Kimmy: I'm fine mommy I miss you and daddy and uncles Noah, Jake, Orion, and aunt Gia, they miss you to sweetie.

*Takes your morpher and looks at it*

Yeah once it hits it hits better take that or I won't fix your morpher.

*Looks at you*

But it affected you fast took me a while won't the antidote take a while to i will make sure Demaras never touches you aww you really care about me Takes the antidote drinking the whole thing.
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