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Old 03/24/15, 09:05 PM   #6
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy Discussion

I was kinda torn on wether or not to bring Eve back in the end, but she did promise she'd be back for the final battle back in Chapter 15, and so I figured I'd bring the three Eltarians back as sort of Spirit Rangers who would vanish after the battle.

Pretty much it was suppose to be a symbolic unshackling of chains. He'd been Ghost Ranger for all this time, and with the war finally being over, he was free from his curse, his always having to fight, to lose loved ones and to age normally.

Zeke's dad helping was something I kind of thought up on the spot when writing. I wanted to keep the chapter at a good pace without dragging it out, make sure the reader stayed interested. I know it was fast and kind of a rear end pull, but it kept the speed up, I think at least.

As for a sequel, I'd been thinking about it but not entirely sure what to do plot wise. I was wondering if anyone here would like to use the characters for a cross over of their own fic. If so, just please be sure to credit me with the characters.

PRX, if I may ask, what would you rate the story as a whole? Also, do you think the Past teams were well represented in the final battle?
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