Thread: Legacy Toys
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Old 04/23/15, 05:33 PM   #3
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Default Re: Legacy Toys

Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
What kind of villains would you want to see released with the exception of Lord Zedd and the MMPR movie villains?
I would go with Rita, Goldar, Scorpina (both forms,) Squatt, Baboo, Finster, Rito, Master Vile.
The various Finster Putties as well as Zedd's Putties and Tengas.
Cyclopsis with both modes. Serpentera.

King Mondo, Queen Machina, Prince Sprocket, Klank, Orbus, Kaboom, Gasket, Archerina.
The 2 versions of Cogs.

Divatox, Rygog, Elgar, Porto, Havoc, Maligore.
The P-trons as well as the Putrid Pods.
Porto's zords including the Terrorzord. Havoc's Metalasaurus including both versions.

Dark Specter, Darkonda, Ecliptor and his various forms such as default with cape, 2nd form without cape, Cyborg and Red Ecliptor as well as Darkliptor.
The Q-trons and Craterites as well as the King Craterite and their United Formation.

Scorpius, Trakeena including her various forms such as her Battle Armor and her Green Mutated Form, Furio, Trakeena, Deviot including both his regular form and his mutated form, Villamax, Kegler, Mutiny, Barbarax.
The Stingwingers and Swabbies.

Bansheera with at least her 2 later forms, Diabolico with a detachable Star Power, Jinxer, Loki, Vypra, Impus, Olympius with a detachable Star Power.

Ransik, Gluto, Frax, Nadira. Frax with popping out eyes and mouth and a swappable hand.
Tronicon, Dragontron, Doomtron.

Master Org both of his forms, Toxica, Jindrax, Retinax, Nayzor with both forms, Mandilok.

Lothor, Kapri, Marah, Zurgane, Choobo, Shimazu, Motodrone, Vexacus.
Kelzaks and Kelzak Furies.

Mesogog, Elsa, Zeltrax with both of Zeltrax's modes.
T-drones and the various colors of Triptoids.

Gruumm, Broodwing, Mora and her Morgana form.
Krybots, Blueheads and Orangeheads.

Morticon, Koragg with his 2 Swords, Necrolai, Imperious, the Ten Terrors and the Master himself preferably with 2 of his modes.
Hideaks and Styxoids.

Moltor, Flurious including his Crown-powered form, Kamdor, Miratrix including her Owl-like form, Benglo and Mig including Benglo and Mig's Gyro-powered up forms. Crazar. Cheetar. Lavadactyls. Thrax.
Lava Lizards and Chillers.

Jarrod/Dai-Shi including his additional form, Camille which includes her humanoid form, her Rinshi Form and her upgraded form, the Overlords and the Phantom Beast Generals.
Rinshi mooks.

Venjix, Tenaya, Shifter, Crunch and Kilobyte including all of the Venjix Bodies.

Xandred, Octoroo, Dayu, Deker and Serrator.
Moogers. Spitfangs. Papyrox.

Malkor, Vrak, Creepox, Bigs, Bluefur, Metal Alice and Messenger including any additional forms that they have.

Vekar, Levira, Damaras, Argus, Mavro.
X-Borgs, Bruisers, Royal Guards.

Sledge, Poisandra, Fury, Wrench, Curio.

Also I would pick select monsters from each villain as well. For Finster some of the monsters that I would pick would be Eye Guy, Snizzard, King Sphinx, Knasty Knight, Cyclops and Mantis.
Some of Zedd's Monsters I would select would mainly be Nimrod, AC, DC, Needlenose and Silverhorns but I would also go with the Barbaric Brothers.
For Master Vile I would go with Blue Globbor and his different forms.

For the Machine Empire I would go with Silo, Wolfbane and Nuklifier.

For Galaxy I would pick Destruxo (with his 2 forms) and Impostra.
For Lightspeed I would pick Diabolicol's last 3 monsters that he summoned up before he was destroyed by the Lightspeed Solarzord.
For Time Force I would at least go with Steelix and Fatcatfish.
Wild Force... I would at least pick Quadra Org, Artilla and Helicos.
Ninja Storm... not sure there.
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