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Old 06/29/15, 08:55 PM   #230
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we're looking at Santa's Secret Trooper written by Clifford Herbert, and directed by Vickie Borough.

So we start off with today's "My dad taught me" moment where Ryan thinks about the time his dad taught him that it's better to give than it is to receive.

We then go to Tao dojo where the Troopers, and Tao are selling Christmas trees to raise money for an orphanage.

And after a comedy bit with Ryan trying to sell a tree to a lady who can't decide we get a bit with a family who wants one but can't afford it so Ryan, and Tao lower the price for them.

We then see the Troopers, and some kids in a bus singing Jingle Bells while JB spots a vertically challenged man in weird clothes running through the forest.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor, and his secretaries explain that they are looking for the man JB saw since he has magical powers.

At the forest the Troopers, and the kids are having fun, and the Troopers say what they want for Christmas while someone overhears them.

Then Ryan plays a song for the kids, and the little man comes out, and the Troopers, and the kids chase him up a tree.

The man explains that he's an elf named Otto who fell off Santa's sleigh during a test drive, and he has all sorts of powers like teleportation, turning water into hot chocolate, and granting wishes but only for others.

But Ziktor sees them through a Skug so he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his minions to kidnap Otto.

At the dojo the Troopers, the kids, Tao, and Otto are celebrating, and the Troopers go outside to discuss how to get Otto back to Santa.
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