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Old 02/02/16, 01:23 AM   #8
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

But the Rangers were ready as Jason said "We're on it. It's morphin time." Then they all shouted "Mastadon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Saber Tooth Tiger, Tyrannosaurus". Billy, and Zack then jump kicked at the Minotaur but he blocked them with his shield.

Jason was undaunted "This guy's tough time to use Blade Blaster" Jason then got his Blade Blaster, and fired at the Minotaur who once again used his shield to reflect the blast at the Rangers.

Trini, and Kimberly were fighting Goldar, and some putties Goldar ordered "Get them" But the girls taunted You'll have to catch us first" Goldar was swinging his sword at them, and taunting "Your're mine", and hit Kimberly knocking her down. Trini screamed "Kimberly", and ran over, and grabbed Goldar but he hit her as well. But Trini got back up, and kicked him.

At the Command Center Alpha was worried "Aye ye ye the Ranger still have their hands full" Zordon agreed "Perhaps now is the time to share with them the ancient secrets of the Power Weapons". While back at the fight Jason, Billy, and Zack were already getting defeated by the Minotaur when Squatt, and Babboo kept throwing boulders at them.
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