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Old 02/04/16, 01:32 AM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Jason, and King Sphinx once again clashed weapons while Goldar shot fireballs from his sword. King Sphinx then taunted “Let’s face it you’re nothing without your friends. Why don’t just give up” while Rita, and her minions cheered on. Rita then threw her scepter, and yelled “Take this” making Goldar, and King Sphinx grow.

The two monsters then tried to stomp on, and hit Jason with their weapons. Jason was able to get out of the way but he regretfully admitted “Man I wish the other guys were here”. While at the Command Center Zordon instructed Alpha “Alpha adjust the Morphing Grid, and lock onto Jason’s location.

Alpha pressed some buttons, and the Viewing Globe showed Goldar, and King Sphinx attacking Jason. “Aye ye ye this is hopeless” Alpha screamed. But Zordon assured him “Not yet it isn’t try to send Jason the Power Crystals”. “Yes the Power Crystals of course”.

Then Alpha pressed some buttons, and five crystals appeared. One red, one black, one blue, one yellow, and one pink. Zordon then teleported a satchel, and Alpha put the crystals in the satchel which teleported away in white light. “I shall send them to Jason through his Power Sword”.
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