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Old 03/18/16, 10:06 PM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then the alarms rang again as the Viewing Globe displayed the citizens of Angel Grove walking around Rita's Dark Dimension in a zombie like trance. Zordon explained "It seems the situation has grown even more dire".

Zordon explained "Rita has banished everyone in Angel Grove to the Dark Dimension so that she can cast the spell of misery". Jason asked "What's that?". Zordon explained "Your parents, and everyone in Angel Grove are aware of everything mentally but are trapped in their own minds while Rita displays images of their worst fears, and nightmares".

Trini cried "Oh no". Zordon continued "Not only that but even when they are safe in Rita's dimension they will still feel any destruction that befalls Angel Grove. I fear Rita has done this so that she can also resurrect Cyclopsis".

Kimberly asked "What's Cyclopsis?". Zordon explained "An ancient Warzord the first Zord created entirely for combat. It was to be the crown jewel of the United Allience of Earth. A Zord that could both be piloted, and controlled by an A.I. cultivated from the collective intelligence of all six original Rangers".

Trini asked "What happened?". Zordon explained "Unfortunately we we're able to copy over their minds but not their hearts, and instead of justice it only knew vengeance, instead of courage it only knew anger, and so forth".

Rangers you must morph down, and try to stop Rita before she can summon Cyclopsis". Jason said "All right Zordon it's morphing time". The Rangers once again morphed, and teleported back to Angel Grove Park,
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