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Old 03/18/16, 10:12 PM   #4
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Rangers, and the others gasped as Zordon said "Alpha bring Tommy back quickly". Alpha complied "Right away", and Tommy teleported back to the Command Center. Tommy fell down, and his shield started flickering as he demorphed.

Kimberly cried "Tommy is he okay?". Alpha said "He took a full dose of the charge from Rita's chest. If he rests now he can recover but for now his vitals are low". Then the medical bed appeared, and everyone laid Tommy on it.

Zordon started flickering more, and more and then disappeared but not before saying "Rangers I'm sorry I can't be of any more help", and disappeared. Trini cried out "Zordon". Zack said "Man first we lost everyone in Angel Grove, Then the Zords, and the Dinosaur eggs, and now Tommy, and Zordon.

Billy assured him "Actually not yet perhaps we can use a bit of our energy to restore Zordon the way Zordon used his energy to restore Tommy's powers". Jason agreed "Let's do it". Jason called out "We call upon the sacred Dinosaurs worshipped by our ancestors".

The Rangers put their coins together, and they all called out "Triceratops", "Mastodon", "Saber Tooth Tiger", "Pterodactyl", "Tyrannosaurus". The Power Coins shot electricity into Zordon's pillar, and slowly but surely Zordon's image returned.

Zordon said "Rangers thank you for bringing me back". Zack said "Well it was the least we could do". Then Quagmire, Millennia, and Nemo put their hands out, and shot beams of energy out. The beams crossed, and created a portal.
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