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Old 03/18/16, 10:16 PM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Goldar cried out "No, No, No, This can't be". At her palace Rita was furious "What how can this be how could you let the Rangers do this Goldar?". Goldar cried I'm sorry my queen. I didn't think they could do it".

Rita yelled "Well they did". Rita then turned to Thrax, and asked "Sweetie could you do Mommy, and Daddy a favor, and destroy the Power Rangers for us?". Thrax answered "Heck yeah mom". Lord Zedd bragged "I knew you'd make us proud son".

At the Command Center the portal was starting to wane again but the Rangers managed to get out in time. Alpha cheered "Rangers you made it". Billy said "Affirmative we all succeeded in rescuing the Zords".

Alpha explained "That's not all we got". Zack asked "What do you mean?". Zordon explained "We were able to hack into Rita's network, and combined the data with our own, and we discovered a weakness in Cyclopsis". Jason asked "What is it?".

Zordon explained "Cyclopsis adjusts itself to attack any Zord combination however it takes time for it to analyze, and adapt to them. If you keep switching Zord combinations enough it will overload Cyclopsis, and you can defeat it.

Jason said "Okay guys let's do this". They all teleported back to Angel Grove park, and Jason called out "We need Dinozord power". Then all the Zords except Titanus, and Dragonzord appeared. The Rangers jumped into their Zord, and formed the Megazord.
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