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Old 03/18/16, 10:18 PM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Rita cried out "Zedd, Thrax Nooo". Jason cried out "Okay guys now to take care of Rita herself". The other Rangers agreed "Right". They all jumped out of their Zords, and landed in Rita's palace. But when they go there they saw Thrax limping with what little life he had left.

Thrax reached out to Rita, and they held each other's hands. Thrax cried "Mommy I'm sorry I couldn't destroy the Rangers". Rita cried as Thrax disintegrated. Zack cried "Oh no". Billy said "Now Thrax really is gone forever".

Rita picked up her scepter, and cried "You awful horrible Rangers. Why do you always win? I always lose why can't you lose once in while?". Rita then aimed her scepter at the Rangers, and yelled "I know what I will do".

Rita yelled "I'll cast a killing curse but then I'll just cast a resurrection curse. You'll look at lifeforms trapped in Hell, and envy them just because they can stay dead". Rita was about to cast the curse when her scepter wouldn't work.

Rita cried "Why? Why isn't it working?". Zordon's image appeared in the sky above Angel Grove, and explained "Because when Thrax, and Zedd were destroyed your sincere love for both of them, and your sadness for your loss counter acted your own evil, and shorted out your magic".

Then the Megazord beamed down a jar as Zordon explained "Rangers use this space prison to imprison Rita, and her minions once, and for all". The Jar opened and sucked up Rita, and her minions were sucked in as Rita cried out "Curse you Rangers. Curse you Zordon I'll have my revenge".
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