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Old 11/27/16, 11:42 AM   #2
Goldar's Revenge
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Were the Time Force Rangers destined to go to the past ?

Time Force is at its best when it is doing its own thing. Adapting Time Ranger was fine when it made sense with the story they did tell. The show fell into the bad habit of blindling adopting Sentai and got in the way of the excellent arch the first ten episldes started.

I think Alex was saved by the alterations in the Timeline not the magic device. This also changed him to having a higher rank to Logan. It also made him colder but still had feelings for Jen deep down.

I believe the Time Force team was always meant to go back in time. Things did deviate in terms of events. As Alex himself pointed out that history was shifting. Plus we saw the time changes. Originally the Rangers died stopping Frax with Eric saving the day with Quantum Ranger. Biotech Industries figured out a way to copy the TF morphers to defeat Ransik and lead to SPD.

Once Eric got injured protecting Wes and Collins, history changed. The Rangers survived and Wes used the Quantum Controller to stop Frax. Also in the final battle Ransik decided to end the cycle of hate and turn himself in . Biolqbs steal reversed engineered the morphers to help create SPD.
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