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Old 01/09/17, 06:02 PM   #2
Hexagon Ranger
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Default Re: Why did Specter take so long?

There was all kinds of gamesmanship from both sides. Zordon was thought to be dewd but the UAE wasn't strong enough to take out the forces of good in a fair fight. Both sides were busikding each others forces in a cold war and minor skirmishes. Thats why the members of the UAE were allowed to act on their own so much. It allowed from plausible deniability from.the UAE.

Its likely the forces of good operated like this as well. Once Zordon was discovered to be alive , Specter decided to actively attack the forces of good. Once a Eltar fell and Zordon was in his grasp .....Specter had everything he needed to win the war. Once he drained Zordon of his powers no one could stop him..Of course the Space Rangers and Zordon had answer to that.
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