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Old 12/26/11, 09:18 PM   #2
Lord Seth
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 06/08/17
Posts: 3
Default Re: Someone recommended Power Rangers RPM to me

im surprised at how much people dont like samurai
i mean ive never seen samurai but i hear its pretty much a shot for shot remake of samurai sentai shinkenger

and shinkenger was great
but maybe samurai just couldnt capture the same charm shinkenger had.
There's a lot more to successfully capturing the charm of a series than just making the shots the same, as Samurai proved. Samurai has gotten better since its early episodes, but it's still no Shinkenger. And even if you ignore Shinkenger entirely, Samurai's just not a particularly great show.

If you want to know the particulars, basically:
1) Even in places where a deviation from Shinkenger would seem to mean a change should be made to fit with the change, they keep things the same anyway. For example, when Blue is trying to catch the fish zord, he's aided by a fisherman in both shows. But in Shinkenger the fisherman turns out to be one of the kuroku (well, a former member). In Samurai, where they don't have the kuroku, the guy's just a random fisherman and thus the main point of his character is lost, but they kept him in there anyway.

2) Maybe I'm overrating the acting ability in Shinkenger because I don't know much Japanese and thus their inflections could be horribly off for all I know, but the acting in Samurai is pretty subpar. It has gotten better, but it's still got a ways to go.

3) The characters are a heck of a lot less interesting on Samurai than they were on Shinkenger. This is especially troubling because Shinkenger was a very character-driven season.

So in other words, they're copying Shinkenger, but not actually copying the things that made it a decent season. In other words, we're not getting a copy of Shinkenger so much as a watered-down and inferior version of it.

In fact, a number of the complaints I just mentioned can be applied to Samurai versus RPM. Forget Shinkenger, just compare the level of acting on RPM versus Samurai or how the characters stack up. RPM just completely trumps Samurai in these departments.

also RPM is nothing like its super sentai counterpart
it was a weak sentai season and a great power ranger season

Enh, I liked Go-Onger, though I can see why people disliked it. I do like RPM more, however.
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