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Old 12/02/17, 08:15 AM   #2
Gosei Gold
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Comment on Power Rangers Morphinverse

Originally Posted by Zabitan View Post
That's a good question.

First things first I'll start by saying that I got the idea for the story because I read other people's fanfics like Ryuranger's Ultimate Power Rangers, ShinySephiroth's The Power Rangers Archives, and Battle Ranger's the Revised Power Rangers Saga, and wanted to do my own take on a Power Rangers Ultimate/Expanded Alternate Universe story.

And my idea was to watch a Sentai season starting with Zyuranger, and then watching it's respective Power Rangers seasons starting with Mighty Morphin season one, and then figuring out what I liked, and what I didn't, and then taking out the stuff I didn't like, and combining the things I did.

I also realized that when I watched Zyuranger I liked the overall plot but I wasn't a fan of the episode plots whereas with Power Rangers I had the opposite problem in that I always wish it had an over arching story but I liked the individual episode plots.

As for why Zedd is the Green Ranger well I think that came from a lot fanfics having this idea that Zedd used to be a Ranger himself and turned evil with most folks thinking he was either Red or Green.

The Reason I also made him Lokar is that I always wondered why Lokar was just a very powerful monster, and not Rita's boss especially when I found out that not only was he played by the voice of Robert Axelrod like Zedd but also was Bandora's boss in Zyuranger.

I came up with Quagmire's family because I felt there were similarities between Quagmire, and Gnome from Zyuranger with both being elfish beings who initially seem unhelpful but end up helping the Rangers in a big way.

His son Nemo is meant to be similar to Gnome's grandson who released the Green Ranger in Zyuranger.

While his wife is meant to be Clotho from Zyuranger because I wondered why she never got adapted for Power Rangers.
Those ideas all make sense. Quagmire does remind me of those Zyuranger characters. I guess Clotho could have been a good spirit trying to protect Tommy.
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