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Old 10/31/16, 02:02 AM   #2
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 07/06/15
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Default Re: Season 3 Ninja Suits Theory.

Originally Posted by Ankh Primo View Post
I thought the in-universe reason was simple, that they couldn't fight Tengas unmorphed.

Granted, they could just morph, but why not play with your cool toys if you can? It was no different than the civilian powers of the Disney years which also would have been useless if the Rangers had just morphed first.
And at least back in the day, there was always the deal with them no escalating things. They fought the grunts unmorphed because they could, instead of relying on their powers to waste time on them when they knew the monster was there.

Also at least in the beginning it was also the fact that it allowed the kids to see the american actors fighting the bad guys too, not just morphed suits. But when the direction started shifting by S3 we got the ninja suits as a kind of compromise. Not quite completely getting rid of the idea of them being able to beat the grunts without morphing, but allowed them to be masked for stunt filming purposes and with ninja powers it lessoned the 'violence' of the fighting. Now a days it feels like they followed the Sentai trend where the rangers morph to even just fight the grunts except for certain times.
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