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Old 02/06/18, 09:27 PM   #3
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights

Merlin nodded.

"The magic that powers you is of the the Summer Fae. It flows into you from Camelot." And here he gestured to the pool and an image arose from it like smoke.

The image solidified into a band of knights, seated around a round table. Their swords corresponded to the blades the rangers held.

"The ideals of Camelot will guide you. To use your might for courage, honor, hope, mercy, justice, loyalty and right. That is the meaning of your pledge."

The image shifted to show Morgana Le Fay and Mordred. Morgana was tall, with pointed earth to reveal her Fae heritage, wearing what could only be described as an armored battle-dress. She held a staff made of Rowan wood, the opposite of Merlin's own Yew staff, decorated with gilded mandrake and sigils. Eyes the color of dark forests glowed underneath a crown of black metal thorns.

Mordred was about as tall as Hunk, covered from neck to toe in silver and black armor. His sword, Clarent, bled with black and red energy, polluted from his touch.

"And this is your enemy, Morgana Le Fae. One of the most powerful and wicked sorceresses I know of. Her son, Mordred was a swordsman nearly equal to Lancelot or Arthur. Now, as an undead revenant, his skills have become enhanced by his inability to feel pain. They lead an army of monsters and fallen knights. You must combat them wherever they appear." Merlin winced and sat down, suddenly out of breath.

Last edited by Kaoskid; 02/06/18 at 10:12 PM.
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