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Old 02/11/18, 02:56 PM   #5
Ranger In Training
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Default Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights

In the dark castle, on an island far from the heroes, Morgana rose.

"So, the Old man has completed his team. But now they are far from each other. Scattered and Separated. Powers dark and powers bright, from the darkness where power lies. Make my fallen knight rise!"

Her powers flowed out, and two dark knights rose. One was red, with fangs like butter knives and carried a massive mace. The other was blue, with horns like a bull and carrying a sword as big as himself. In life, these were Sir Balin and Sir Bolin, heroes of Camelot. Now, they were Sir Broken and Sir Fallen.

"Broken, you take on the three in the quarry. Fallen, you destroy the Pink Ranger before she fully awakens."

The Red Monster-Knight teleported to the quarry and slowly stalked toward the three heroes talking. Slow enough for them to finish their conversation, but quick enough to be an active threat.

The Blue Monster-Knight appeared in front of the building Gwen was in. A swing of his sword blew out the windows and sent everyone flying
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