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Old 02/27/18, 01:12 AM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 02/26/18
Posts: 5
Default Re: Power Rangers Carnival

Glad you guys are liking it so far!

So here's an update I've done the morpher which will be called "The Carnival Morpher"

So the morpher resembles somewhat like a cellphone and it has a gem thats color depends on the ranger and the symbol that's on it.
It also comes with 2 tickets a "Morph Ticket" and a "Calling Zords Ticket"
To morph they will need to get the "Morph Ticket" and insert it into the top opening of the morpher. Afterwards they press the side button and the morph sequence begins.
To summon their respective Zords they will insert the "Calling Zords Ticket" into the top of the morpher and then press the bottom left button. A "Mini Zord" that resembles an animal trainer will appear and blow it's whistle to summon the Zords from the pocket dimension that they reside.
When piloting their Zords they dock their morphers and the keypad on the morpher if given a code to type will allow the Zords to combine into a "Megazord". Various codes they receive will allow them to try different Megazord combinations.

Well that's it for now. Will update more soon!
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