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Old 05/20/18, 06:12 PM   #6
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Default Re: Rumored Rangers That MIGHT be returning next year

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
I know Saban can't decide on the union actors who come back. What I said I only meant it in a way so that Saban has a list of the union cast members who can and can't come back as a reference. He would only try to get the ones who can, but would skip those who can't. I know the union stuff has some rules that need to be followed, but that shouldn't stop Saban from having a "reference"-type of list. If that means that no-one who has the union membership can come back (or a very little number of cast members), than Saban can only do what is in his power to make the show go on.
Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
that's true but it tends to change all the time so skipping someone who can't come back that might be the wrong thing to do since someone who previously said no since they were busy might say yes because they're desperate for cash.

exactly about Erin she has to think about what's more important and that's keeping her union membership I'm sure she's disappointed that she can't be on Power Rangers because of that since I'm sure she really wanted to return but at the end of the day she can't risk her membership if she's still working.
Something I wanted to add to this is much like I was saying there are times where union actors will want to work on a non-union production.

JDF doesn't care whether it's union or not.
Walter Jones has been adamant that he won't come back unless it's union
Amy Jo has flip flopped on the topic according to reports.
David Yost has said it has to be union for him to return.

Others haven't really gone on record of saying anything except for Cerina Vincent and Erin Cahill.
Valerie Vernon was willing to go shoot the Legendary Battle so it appears she doesn't have union issues she only declined because the invite was too last minute.
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