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Old 06/30/21, 12:25 AM   #5
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?

I'd say "The Power Transfer" is better than "Passing the Torch". The only letdown of the episode is that ASJ, WEJ and TT weren't actually there during its filming. That was exactly what "Passing the Torch" did right - have the leaving Ranger properly exit the team.

Rocky, Adam and Aisha were introduced as characters before they became Rangers, which helped at least a little bit to the show itself. The whole baby chashing nonsense in the "The Ninja Encounter" three-parter was stupid and unnecessary, but I guess that's what you can do when you don't have half of the main cast available to do their parts. However, it did the trick of bringing the three newbies closer to the team which made a big difference in the "The Power Transfer" episodes later.

The Turbo episode didn't have any of that. The new Rangers didn't even get the chance to properly meet each other and become friends with the leaving members of the team.
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