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Old 07/04/21, 04:40 AM   #4
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Why did they give Dino Charge a wierd ending?

They did it so we'd have an extended PR multi-verse and so that RPM isn't the only season that's set in an AU. As Wes said in DiD: "There are fewer dimensions. Rangers exist in all of them". The problem with that is, did other Ranger teams ever exist in either RPM or Dino Charge AUs or will they? And if they exist, there's a strong possibility that we won't get to actually see those teams since Hasbro has pretty much made it clear that the current TV series format is outdated and that they want a completely new universe for Power Rangers.

But yeah, the ending is stupid and makes the DC Rangers become mass murderes and then un-become mass murderes in like 1 day. It makes the whole team look retarted.
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