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Old 08/13/21, 05:47 PM   #1
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: What jobs would you want them to have?

It's been awhile since I last saw seasons 1-17. So some names, events and story parts are blurried out from my mind as a result.

About Casey: I meant the Master thing when he trained Jake and Emma, not the Zoo thing.

Leo has to work since that's how everyone can afford to live, pay the bills, eat, drink, dress, etc.. Just pulling out a saber out of a stone whenever its services are needed and riding an oversized lion doesn't give him an income unless Earth has one of those deals with every Earth-based Ranger and also has a similar deal with the guys on Mirinoi.

Nice suggesstions for the Mystic Force guys. I like them.

Jen becoming an overall capitan of Time Force would give Wes some advantages for a lot of Ranger-based stuff. So I can see that happening too.

I forgot about what Chad used to do pre-Lightspeed. Like I said, it's been a while since I've seen about 17 seasons worth of storyline.

Getting into fasion can be tricky so maybe Ashely does fashion on the side too.

Kat as a ballet teacher? In the first half of Turbo, characters were kind off-track. But it's a possiblity.

Tanya could still do radio, but the TV is now a more popular/extended media since TV shows are also produced for streaming services like Netflix. Unless she found a way to make some kind of online radio and turn it into a online radio platform or something.

Orion couldn't possibly return to his home planet since it was established in his debut episode that his home planet was destoryed by the Armada. So maybe he stayed to work with Ernie for a while before starting a new business on his own. The whole thing of him returnig home just didn't make any sense either.

I also like your idea about Kimberly. It would definitely open new business possibilities for her.
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