Thread: White Ranger
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Old 04/27/14, 03:43 AM   #4
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Default Re: White Ranger

After seeing this thread and seeing that it's been fully imported, I decided to post in it.

Obviously we know the answer as to what happened... but I actually enjoyed the idea of the White Dino Gem being corrupted, being an evil gem if you will and it taking control of a person's mind and will and the person not having any control of what he is doing. That was actually a refreshing change rather someone like Rita or Gasket just casting an evil spell on the spell or just brainwashing them somehow.

I actually hadn't thought about it but you're right, Eric was never a member of the Time Force team, he always did things on his own, even when he lightened up a bit towards them, he still wasn't a member of the team.
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